About Us

Our members are proud to be an intergral part of
the construction landscape. Learn more about us today.

Our Union

The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers is a diverse union representing over 50,000 workers throughout the United States and Canada in construction, repair, maintenance, manufacturing, professional emergency medical services, and related industries. With its headquarters in Kansas City, Kansas, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers unites 420 local lodges throughout North America, providing numerous services for local lodges and individual members and uniting all our members in our common endeavor to improve the lives and lifestyles of our members, and to promote and maintain harmonious working relationships with our contractors and owners.


Business Manager and Staff

Brad L. Mickatavage – Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer 

Scott A. Werkheiser - Business Agent

Robert J. Cryder, III - Business Agent

                          - Training Coordinator

Lodge Executive Board

Robert J. Cryder, III – President
Kevin Lennon – Vice President
Brad L. Mickatavage – Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer
Kenneth D. Heston -  – Recording Secretary
James P. Jordan, Jr. - Inspector
Matthew H. Fink – Trustee
Matthew F. Gushue. – Trustee
Patrick Monaghan. – Trustee